Senator Hunter is joined by R. Gil Kerlikowske, Director of National Drug Control Policy and Congressman Danny K. Davis. 

Director of National Drug Control Policy, R. Gil Kerlikowske, recently held a round table discussion with government officials and community leaders to discuss incarceration versus rehabilitation for non-violent, low-level drug offenders and I was very honored to be asked to participate.  This past year, I have sponsored measures to focus on rehabilitation of these low-level offenders as opposed to incarceration that inevitably leads to recidivism.  In my discussion with Mr. Kerlikowske, I shared the study that lead to the measures I introduced this session and it is my hope that the findings and subsequent legislation can be used as a model for both state and federal law changes across the nation. 

R. Gil Kerlikowske was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2009 as the Director of National Drug Control Policy based on his experience as the former Seattle Chief of Police and his desire to shift the drug policy focus to rehabilitation versus incarceration.