Day of Action

CHICAGO – State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) and other black leaders called for solutions to address police violence and systemic racism at a South Side Day of Action event Friday afternoon.

“Now is the time to do away with this broken system that protects racist police officers over the basic human rights of our brothers and sisters,” Hunter said. “If we lived in a country that held police accountable for their actions, the man who murdered George Floyd would’ve never had the chance to kneel on his neck after 18 incidents of misconduct on his record. He would’ve been dealt with the first time he abused his power to violate the rights of another American.”

The event at 63rd and Halsted St. was the second leg of a Days of Action series organized by black elected officials in response to the recent killings of black Americans at the hands of law enforcement. Leaders distributed face masks, food, and water to South Side residents in need.

Hunter urged legislators at every level of government to respond to the murder of George Floyd and ensuing outrage with policy initiatives that go far beyond police reform, including solutions to educational inequity, economic disadvantages, the school-to-prison pipeline, and mental and primary health disparities.

“We’re not just demanding police accountability,” Hunter said. “We’re demanding reforms that encompass every aspect of racial injustice with no exception, and we won’t settle for anything less.”

Hunter closed with a message to Chicago’s youth and young people, calling for them to harness their anger productively.

“With solidarity and respect for one another, your power to advance justice and equality is boundless,” Hunter said. “Don’t let up, don’t give up, and don’t stop fighting until you achieve the respect, dignity, and investments that you deserve.”