Budget Address SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) released the following statement after the governor’s Budget Address:

“This governor continues to offer dispassionate cuts to the programs that impact the lives of so many people in this state. I beg the governor to roll up his sleeves and join us at the bargaining table this year.

He and his administration need to take a walk in somebody else’s shoes for once, because these cuts do more harm than good to the people we serve. We in the Senate have reached bipartisan support on a number of budgetary issues, and I suggest he join us. Last year, we passed a plan that provided certainty and stability to violence prevention, health care and addiction treatment services, along with programs like Teen Reach.

This year, he plans to cut funding for those services. We understand we cannot have everything, but we need to, at least, keep the services that help people rebuild productive lives in the communities that need it most.”