Hunter urges governor to reconsider veto State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago 3rd) issued the following statement today in response to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of the Gun Dealer Licensing Act:

“Gun violence continues to plague many communities across our state.

Gun violence is what took my two nephews away from me and my family during the summer of 2015. Gun violence is what left 17 families hopeless after their loved ones were murdered ruthlessly in the Florida mass shooting.

Gun violence is what threatens the streets of Chicago day in and day out. How many more people have to die before we enact critical gun reform legislation?

We have a public safety issue and this is a common sense solution. It is highly irresponsible of this administration to ignore the realities that plague our communities.

I urge Governor Rauner to put the people of this state first before partisan politics— Reconsider Governor.”