Alcohol Awareness PhotoState Senator Mattie Hunter speaks out this week on April marking the 27th annual Alcohol Awareness Month.

“In a nation and culture where the public is consistently bombarded with media images glorifying this oftentimes dangerous substance,” Hunter said, “now more than ever, our citizens must be equipped with knowledge of what the choice to consume and/or abuse alcohol entails for themselves and others.”

Alcohol is one of the U.S.’ most commonly abused drugs, although for all citizens over age 21 it is legal. As a result of the popularity and frequent overuse of this highly addictive substance, National Alcohol Awareness Month was established by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Inc. in 1987 and has been observed every April since. A critical part of the observance of Alcohol Awareness Month is the Alcohol-Free Weekend that’s celebrated every first weekend in April to foster greater recognition of how alcohol consumption and abuse might affect individuals, families, businesses and communities.

“From fetal alcohol syndrome and underage drinking, to buzzed and drunken driving, to binge drinking on university campuses and cocktails mixing energy drinks and alcohol, to liver disease and alcohol poisoning, abuse of this legal depressant is a problem with vast serious consequences,” Hunter said. “As a certified counselor specializing in alcohol abuse, I know far too well that the effects of abuse of this substance know no limits. This issue is one that touches lives everywhere in significant ways, and one we have to devote ourselves to helping rectify.”

“My final comment on this subject is I implore others to join me in my resolve to foster greater understanding of alcohol and alcohol abuse issues in our communities, and I ask that you drink responsibly if you decide to consume and are of age,” Hunter said.

Please follow the links below to raise your awareness and learn more about alcohol and alcohol abuse issues: