HunterSeniorCare2014Illinois seniors will benefit from a new task force aimed to end disparities based on race, geography and native language. Chicago Democrats, State Senator Jacqueline Y. Collins and Mattie Hunter, successfully pushed the task force plan through the Senate without opposition today.

“Regardless of geography, native language or race, every senior should receive the same level of care,” said Hunter, Chair of the Senate Human Services Committee. “The legislation passed six-to-one in Human Services and I’m glad to see my colleagues voted for it unanimously in the full Senate.”

The plan requires the Department of Health and Family Services to establish the Long-Term Services and Supports Disparities Task Force. The task force would include representatives of state agencies, nursing homes and service programs. It is charged with providing data relating to disparities.

"Although groundbreaking reforms enacted four years ago have eliminated many of the worst abuses in the industry, intolerable disparities remain," said Collins (D-Chicago 16th), chief sponsor of the task force legislation and co-sponsor of the 2010 long-term care reforms. "This group must root out the causes of unequal care wherever it occurs, whether among minority residents, among non-English-speaking residents or in a rural area."

Hunter urged Democrats to stick together to ensure the legislation passed. In the end, the bill passed the Senate 48 to 0. Senate Bill 2773 now goes to the House for further consideration.