Hunter-MandelaWhile living in The Republic of South Africa from 1994-1996 I will never forget the day I met President Nelson and Winnie Mandela while visiting Parliament. The excitement and electricity ran through my body as we greeted another with a hand shake. It was a short amount of time, but I will always cherish that moment. I was in the country on invitation by the South African National Council on Alcohol and Drugs in partnership with the South African Black Social Workers Association to help educate, promote awareness and train South African social workers on alcohol and drug prevention. Watching daily the transformation of this country from a segregated society as a result of apartheid to the integration into mainstream society was the most fascinating experience in my life.

I saw hope on the faces of his people; progress in their infrastructure; I saw a very strong black and brown middle class built; I saw fashion brought to a country that was locked out from the world; I saw economic development all over the country and I saw people live where they wanted and could afford to live. As I traveled around South Africa and other African countries I saw this country catch up with the world and in some instances surpass them because of their desire to make South Africa an example of what leadership could become and that wealth can be shared if there is a will. Rest in Peace Mr. President.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” 
