HunterFloor600x400In response to growing statewide and national distrust in the criminal justice system, Senator Mattie Hunter’s (D-Chicago) Grand Jury Review Task Force plan passed the Illinois Senate Criminal Law Committee today.

“I’ve heard concerns across Illinois regarding our criminal justice system and grand jury process. Providing transparency is the only way to restore public trust in our courts,” said Hunter, Majority Caucus Whip.

Hunter’s initiative is part of a larger Democrat-lead push for public safety and criminal justice reforms. Senate Resolution 175 creates a 16-member Grand Jury Review Task Force missioned with reviewing the grand jury process to ensure fairness and effectiveness in decision-making.

The task force will consist of:

  •  Legislative appointees
  •  Heads  and representatives of justice departments, bar associations, the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, the Illinois Press Association and the  Chicago Innocence Project
  • A  law professor and retired judge

The resolution passed the committee 7-1-2 and now goes to the Senate floor for further consideration.