Rep Esther GolarEarly Monday morning, State Representative Esther Golar (D-Chicago, 6) passed away. Sen. Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago, 3), who joined close friends with keeping an around-the-clock vigil for the past several weeks in her hospital room, released the following statement in memory of the remarkable woman.

“Representative Esther Golar was not only my colleague, but my dear friend. She was a genuine no nonsense person who looked out for the best interests of her district, Chicago and our state.

We sponsored many pieces of legislation together, such as funding for after school programs, summer jobs for youth, education funding and criminal justice reform.

With true commitment, loyalty and dedication, Esther loved to express her thoughts of feeling in song. I always referred to her as the ‘singing legislator,’ which I think will always be how we remember her.

My thoughts and prayers are with her family at this time. She will be missed not only in Springfield, but across her district, as well.”