FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                                                                          

Thursday, May 19, 2011



SPRINGFIELD, IL – The Interagency Committee on Employees with Disabilities (ICED) recently honored Illinois State Senator Mattie Hunter (D–Chicago) with the Carl Suter Award for Legislator of the Year.

“I am honored to be recognized for my endeavors to aid people with disabilities,” Hunter said.  “People living with disabilities want the opportunity to be active members of our community, and they can thrive and take part in everyday activities and jobs if given the proper resources.  I want to extend my appreciation ICED for their support of the community of people with disabilities and I look forward to expanding upon our successes.”

Senator Hunter was named Legislator of the Year because she has sponsored several bills this Spring session that help people with disabilities, including Senate Bill 1234 which allows physicians, therapists and care providers to share prescription information to prevent drug to drug interactions, especially in the case of emergency. 

“Senator Mattie Hunter has been selected as the recipient of the ICED 2011 Legislator of the Year Award for her work on behalf of people with substance abuse disorders, as well as her honorable service in the legislature on the Human Services and Public Health Committees,” said Rocco J. Claps, ICED Co-Chair and Director of the Illinois Department of Human Rights. “Senator Hunter, a certified alcohol and drug counselor, has worked to promote substance abuse prevention programs in the state, and has a history of service in regards to health education in Africa, where she served as the Managing Director of the Center for Health and Human Services in the 1990’s. Her work epitomizes the Committee’s mission of promoting access, opportunity, and independence to people with disabilities around the state.”

Created in 1974, ICED addresses the needs of disabled State employees and acts as a resource for disability-related issues.  The Carl Suter Legislator of the Year Award was named after the former Chief Executive Officer of the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation, from which he retired this year. Prior to his service at the national level, Mr. Suter served as associate director of the Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, executive director of the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities, and director of the Illinois Office of Rehabilitation Services.
