State Senator Mattie Hunter (D - Chicago) sat in the chamber of the Illinois House of Representatives yesterday alongside her fellow legislators taking in Governor Quinn’s State of the State Address.
There were key issues Illinois’ chief executive touched upon in his message that particularly commanded Majority Caucus Whip Hunter’s attention. Per Hunter, “As a longtime advocate for the poor, the governor’s mention of Illinois’ poverty crisis was something that caught my eye. However, we’ve got to do a lot more than just talk about it – we have to take action.”
Hunter took great note of Governor Quinn’s treatment in his address of the current issues of concealed carry and banning assault weapons in Illinois.
“It was nice to hear Governor Quinn elaborate on these important topics that are going to provide us some of greatest challenges this legislative session,” said Hunter. “Being one of the first legislators to host a town hall on concealed carry and assault weapons in order to make the public’s voice on these subjects heard, I recognize the gravity of these issues and am serious about making sure the General Assembly does what’s best for Illinois citizens.”
Also, in light of the pressing issue of gun violence, particularly rampant throughout the 3rd district the senator represents, the governor’s remarks on the recently fallen 15-year-old honor student Hadiya Pendleton struck a chord with Hunter.
“I feel the governor’s mentioning of my constituent Hadiya in his speech was a great, very necessary gesture,” Hunter was adamant. “Unfortunately, it has taken the loss of this promising young lady to finally get the state to pay attention to the violence epidemic in my district I have been fighting to turn around. This is nothing new. There have already been too many Hadiyas. This is just what the media has capitalized on and the vehicle that’s been used to bring this problem to the forefront. However, now that this problem is finally getting the respect it deserves, change can begin and the death of this child whose funeral I’m attending Saturday will not be in vain.”
Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) for the third time took the Oath of Office to represent the 3rd Legislative District as a member of the 98th General Assembly.
Hunter has established an impressive legacy of public service having now served in the Illinois Senate since 2003 representing the 3rd Senate District, composed of such diverse communities as Englewood, South Loop, Washington Park and Back of the Yards.
Hunter throughout her tenure in the legislature has been a strong voice for the health and well-being of all citizens. Hunter has served as Chair of the Senate’s Human Services Committee and Co-Chair of the Public Health Committee (having served alongside President Barack Obama when he chaired the Public Health Committee as a State Senator). She currently holds the leadership position of Majority Caucus Whip.
“I am proud to be returning to the Senate and looking forward to continuing serving my constituents’ best interest and doing my part to better the overall condition and the health of people in this state,” said Hunter.
The Inauguration of Illinois’ 98th General Assembly took place in Springfield in the Chamber of the Illinois State Senate. Senator Hunter’s siblings, relatives, friends, colleagues and constituents all participated in celebrating and congratulating her upon the beginning of her new term as a state legislator.
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