What is the CTA Apprenticeship Program?
The CTA Apprenticeship Program is a second chance initiative offered in conjunction with the City of Chicago and social service agencies throughout the city. Working closely with the Department of Family and Support Services, hard-to-place individuals are given an opportunity to obtain full-time employment and training which may enable a start of a long-term, meaningful career.
How do you apply?
Currently, there are two avenues to become a part of the CTA Apprenticeship Program.
Individuals contact the following for application/intake:
Westside Health Authority - Serving residents of the City of Chicago (North & West) 773-664-0612
Teamwork Englewood - Serving residents of the City of Chicago (South & East) 773-488-6607
(The intake agency will take an application. The application then is sent to a Referring agency for follow up.)
Individuals contact one of the 8 referring agencies directly:
IIT Community Electronic Waste Collection
Saturday, March 9th, 2013
9:00 am-1:00 pm
Drop Off Location
3241 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago
Look for the collection truck sitting on Wabash north of 33rd Street!
Directional signs will be posted along 33rd St, State St., and Michigan Ave.
Please bring any and all unwanted electronics, including:
Laptops • computers • tablets • televisions • cellphones • printers • monitors • DVD players • video game consoles • scanners • computer mice • fax machines • keyboards • and anything else with a plug!
Disclaimer: It is the responsibility of all parties dropping off electronics to ensure that all data and personal information have been wiped clean and entirely removed from all devices. IIT will NOT be undertaking such efforts and assumes no liability for the disclosure of any personal information left on devices that are dropped off.
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