State Senator Mattie Hunter (D–Chicago) expressed her support Thursday for the Medicaid expansion legislation that passed the Illinois Senate.
The measure expands health care services to an estimated 342,000 people.
“Throughout my career as a legislator, I have advocated for health care issues, especially health care issues affecting minorities and the poor,” Hunter stated. “I see this Medicaid expansion not just as a triumph for all Illinoisans, but also as a personal victory.”
SB 26 allows the state of Illinois to take advantage of the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) and allow for low-income adult state citizens currently lacking health insurance to receive Medicaid.
The expansion would begin in 2014. The legislation targets low-income adults ages 19 to 64 without dependents currently unable to receive Medicaid.
“With my background as a health care professional, I know from personal experience the difficulties individuals face in this area when they are impoverished and cannot afford insurance,” said Hunter. “I know all too well how the health and well-being of our citizens suffer when they do not have the benefits they need as a result of being low-income and thus uninsured. With SB 26, we’re moving toward easing and ending that suffering.”
SB 26 now moves to the Illinois House.
State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) helped pass fair marriage legislation for same-sex couples out of the Illinois Senate Thursday.
“I am glad Illinois is taking this important step towards achieving equality for all citizens,” said Hunter after the 34-21 Senate vote. “I maintain that justice for everyone is always our greatest goal, and now it seems that goal is on its way to being accomplished.”
SB 10 provides marriage equality for same-sex couples in Illinois.
At the same time, the proposal protects religious institutions’ rights by clarifying that religious organizations and their facilities are under no state requirement to host or participate in same-sex marriages.
SB 10 now moves to the Illinois House for consideration.
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